Monday, December 13

Don't make yourself tomorrow hate yourself today

Since Mid July I have been working my a* off and draining all my energy. I would have had the most hectic three weeks from the end of Thanksgiving until this Friday. Before the Saturday from two weeks ago I finished a few applications and did some important networking and on Saturday took the big financial test. From Sunday to Thursday I finished a 20-page long economics research paper and since then have been studying for the final exams.

I will take my super scary math final tomorrow. Now I feel at peace, not because I am able to solve the hard problems or understand what indeed went through those genius mathematicians' minds; but because I know that, after having worked my best, I will be able to accept any outcome.

I will always try my best. If I'd fail, I will move on and keep working hard. Chances are that I will eventually get lucky and hopefully that would be soon.